
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
15 zoekresultaten gevonden met "David J. Schow":
Fangoria#75 p.58 The Kill Riff
Fangoria#80 p.57 Silver Scream
Fangoria#95 p.56 Seeing Red / Lost Angels
Fangoria#112 p.22 The Subversion of Youth
Horror at its best unsettles. It undermines the world of happily-ever-after.
Fangoria#113 p.56 Stupid Horror Question Tricks
Run for your lives! It's the attack of the Stupid Horror Questions!
Fangoria#114 p.54 Guess who has a star on Hollywood Boulevard?
Religion is not the enemy, though many of these moral megalomaniacs profess to be deeply religious.
Fangoria#117 p.20 The British Massacre and Other Cuts
The difference between Aussie soap operas and their U.S. counterparts is like that between Meet the Feebles and Sesame Street.
Fangoria#119 p.70 The Garage Kit That Ate My Garage
There are more undercover deals at kit shows than in an opium den. Make no mistake, this is addictive behavior.
Fangoria#123 p.62 Door Wars
Schow finds a new doorway to censorship.
Fangoria#128 p.18 Take This Child and Shove It
The kids are alright without overprotective media watchdogs.
Fangoria#134 p.26 Frankenstein 1994
Fangoria#139 p.70 Sinny Skolliwoll 101 (Part Two)
A dictionary for the Hollywood maze.
Fangoria#146 p.68 Symps
It's tough being a writer, but spare Schow the sympathy.
Fangoria#147 p.64 Mo' Better Depravity
Show refuses to go on the Dole.
Fangoria#284 p.80 Death to Decaf
David J. Schow is back - and as out for blood as he ever was.